For anyone even slightly familiar with baroque or early music, Emma Kirkby is a name to conjure with. So we count ourselves extremely lucky that Emma lives in Crouch End and is a good friend of Salon Music. A good enough friend indeed to have offered to come and sing John Dowland songs for us.
And not just to come and sing herself but to bring her long time colleague the lutanist Jakob Lindberg to accompany her. A world expert on John Dowland Jakob is also recognised as one of the finest lutanists in the world today.
Emma has known Jakob almost from the time both of them began to perform in London as members of various pioneer groups. Their duo partnership started in earnest around 2000 with the chance to record for the Swedish company BIS. They have toured widely, in Europe, Japan, USA and Australia, often combining concerts with master classes.
And now they are coming to Hampstead Lane!….
The programme?
Lute songs & solos by John Dowland and others, in England and France circa 1600.
Followed by a supper which could have graced Queen Elizabeth’s board…..
To book tickets – £30 to include supper – go here.
We suggest that you book early as we can only accommodate an audience of 25 and we are sure there will be a high demand for tickets.
John Dowland, who is thought to have lived from around 1560 to 1626, was much admired as a lutanist –‘his heavenly touch upon the lute doth ravish human sense’ – and had a pretty successful career as a player. He worked for the English ambassadors to the French court in the 1580s, at the Danish court of King Christian IV in the 1590s and then finally at the court of James I. However, he was probably even better known for his compositions.
These included solo lute works but also lute songs for one voice and lute or part-songs with lute accompaniment. Many of these were influenced by popular dance and consort songs (a setting of secular verse for a solo voice and a quartet of viols). Many of Dowland’s songs are melancholy in tone – ‘Flow my tears’, ‘I saw my Lady weepe’, Now oh now I needs must part’, ‘In darkness let me dwell’ – but he also wrote religious music – psalm harmonizations and sacred songs.
Hello…I believe I ordered a ticket for 21st of Jan as soon as I got the message but have not received confirmation…is there a problem?
Best Andrew
No problem, Andrew – not sure why you would not have received a confirmation but you defintely have a ticket.