One of the last events of summer each year on Hampstead Heath is a session at the Parliament Hill café with the epic guitarist John Etheridge, who lives in Belsize Park, and his regular performing partner, the singer Vimala Rowe. This year was no exception, although this year the organisers were getting more ambitious. The players had moved onto the band stand and John and Vimala were followed by a full afternoon’s programme.
Unfortunately I was late so only got there for the end of their set – but, thank goodness, in time to hear Vimala’s wonderful ‘prayer for peace’, sung in Syrian/Aramaic. I am sorry I could not get closer so that you could see them as well as hear them.
So what is on the menu for the autumn?
25th September – Highgate Society lunchtime concert
First up the resumption of our Highgate Society Sunday lunchtime Bucks Fizz concerts. We had planned to start the season with some home grown Highgate jazzers but in the event they are unable to make it so we invited Sol Grimshaw and his group, who were such a rave success back in March, to make a return visit.
Sunday 25th September 12 noon – £15 to include a glass of Bucks Fizz.
You can book tickets here.
Thursday 3rd November, 7.30pm – The J.A.M. String Collective
A contemporary all girl jazz string trio playing their own re-imaginings of works by jazz heavy weights, such as Ornette Coleman, Thelonious Monk, and Kenny Wheeler, as well as their own compositions.
This will be at 33 Hampstead Lane and will come complete with buffet supper.
More details to follow very soon.
Early December – date to be confirmed. Madeleine is back!
Madeleine Mitchell and fellow musicians will be back for their first visit to the new 33 Hampstead Lane!
We are working on both the date and the programme right now so more details to follow.
We look forward to seeing you all over the autumn – but just before we say goodbye to the sun for this year, here is Vimala singing ‘On the Sunny Side of the Street’. Just get those base notes!
John and Vimala are extremely impressive!