Boris, Arwen and I are very much looking forward to November 3rd and the J.A.M. String Trio – Julia, Miranda and Annalise.
Graduates of the Tomorrow’s Warriors programme that draws string players from classical backgrounds and enables them to explore the world of jazz, J.A.M. will be playing both their own compositions and reimagining works by the jazz greats such Thelonius Monk and Ornette Coleman.
If you would like to get a flavour of their music check in to YouTube here or here, or their Instagram feed where you will find a number of short videos.
The evening will include wine and a light buffet supper as usual.
Book tickets here – £28 to include wine and buffet supper.
Introducing our in house artist
We are doubly excited about this concert as, for the first time illustrator Alison Gardiner will be joining us and sketching the players. We met Alison at the Islington Festival last summer and she popped along two Sundays ago to catch Sol Grimshaw and his group at the Highgate Society. Here is her sketch of Sol and fellow guitarist Harry Diplock.
And here is Sol on his own with me in the background opening champagne for the Bucks Fizz!
Book tickets for November 3rd here
£28 to include wine and buffet supper.
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