Those of you who are fans of our ‘in house’ sketcher, Alison Gardiner, might like to see her take on Lotte and James giving Thomas Hardy their all back in July.
We were in fact very lucky to get her as our concert coincided with the opening of the Islington Festival whose every concert she was also recording. Here are just a few of her sketches of their very exciting programme – for more check in to her Instagram page.
First the lovely Dmitrii Kalashnikov who, in two late night performances, played all of Chopin’s Noctures; then Emily Cook from the Kensington Winds and finally, the yoga and harp morning with Catrin Meek on the harp and Ann Pidcock leading the yoga!
And, because he believes that he deserves a mention in every post, Boris lying in his favourite position right across the hall at Hampstead Lane. I had rather unkindly decided that he was placing himself across the main drag so that no one was able to ignore him but I now realise that the feedpipe for the underfloor heating runs across the hall right there. So he is, very reasonably, toasting himself on the nicest and warmest bit of floor!
Upcoming concerts
Saturday 9th September –
The Voice Trio – Lighter Patterns of Love
On 9th September we are going back to Highgate School Chapel for a recital by the lovely Voice Trio, Victoria, Clemmie and Emily, who gave us such a wonderful evening devoted to Hildebrand of Bingen eighteen months ago. For more see this post.
The concert will start at 7 with a short interval for a (free) glass of wine in the quadrangle.
Ticket cost – £20 to include a glass of wine.
For more details and to book go here.
24th September – Hampstead Lane. Madeleine Mitchell
Violin Conversations and other pieces. For more details and to buy tickets go here.
4th November – Hampstead Lane. Nathaniel Mander
The Baroque Spinet. More details to come very soon.
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