We had a fascinating evening last Thursday with Annalise on violin, Julia on viola and Miranda on cello – a perfect mix of instruments for the space at Hampstead Lane. And for much of the time they were doing things with those instruments that most of us would never have expected from a string trio. Indeed, as Annalise said, one of the exciting things that playing jazz allows them to do is to explore the many other sounds that stringed instruments can create.
Miranda plucked her cello like a double bass more often than she used a bow; Annalise and Julia strummed their instruments like mandolins or plucked them like guitars; all three tapped, slapped and patted them to create their own rhythm section and Annalise ‘chopped’ her violin to make a very un-violin-like but very effective percussive sound. You will here many of these in this piece, one of their own compositions, called It still Moves?
Apologies for the lighting – it was far less murky in the room but the camera was not picking up the lights.
The programme was a mix of their own compositions and their takes on jazz classics such as St James’ Infermary in the clip below. And if you want to hear more check out their Instagram feed from which you can find links to their upcoming gigs. They will also be making their first record next month which should be available in the new year.
27th November – Highgate Society Sunday lunchtime concert
Lewis Kingsley Peart – pianist extraordinaire – who will be wooing us with a selection of Gershwin and Billy Mayerl favourites mixed in with some classic tear jerkers – Edelweiss and the Warsaw concert for starters!
Twelve noon at 10a South Grove for a glass of Bucks Fizz and then a rousing hour of music.
Book your tickets here.
5th December – 7pm – The House of St Barnabas Greek St London W1
Korros Ensemble launch their new album, NOSTALGICA in the beautiful chapel at The House of St Barnabas.
[…] If you missed the concert and would like to hear a little bit of their playing, check back to this post. […]