I know this is not the sort of music that you would normally choose – but I thought you might enjoy a few minutes of ‘carnival’!
Having spent much of the bank holiday weekend trying to install my email addresses on my new phone (if anyone wants a tutorial on installing Mail emails onto an iPhone, just come my way…) I decided I needed a break. And what better than a visit to the Notting Hill Carnival to which I have not been for many, many years.
What a joyous experience. I don’t know whether things got a bit rougher at night but at 3pm on a Bank Holiday Monday afternoon everyone was just having fun in the sun. Yes, it was crowded and it was certainly noisy (you could feel the beat reverberate right up through your body) but wasn’t that the whole point! To give you a little sample…
And my wings and chips were piping hot and delicious…..
Meanwhile don’t forget…..
Saturday 9th September – The Voice Trio – Patterns of Love
Join us from 6.30 for a (free) glass of wine in the quadrangle.
For more details and to book go here.
24th September – Madeleine Mitchell and Richard Crabtree – Boccherini, Bartok, Bach – and Judith Weir.
Doors open at 6.30; concert to start at 7pm followd at 8.15 by a buffet supper.
For more details and to buy tickets go here.
22nd October – Highgate Society Sunday Lunchtime concerts.
The Ladies of the Salons Accompanied by Matt Redman, Patricia Hammond sings parlour songs from the 1830s to the 1930s.
For more information and to buy tickets
4th November – Hampstead Lane. Nathaniel Mander – Baroque Spinet
Leading harpsichord player, Nathaniel Mander will be giving his new baroque spinet its very first London outing with us on November 4th.
A wonderfully baroque programme of music will be followed by an equally baroque supper which could have been enjoyed by any of our composers.
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